Mary-Cameron Welborn » Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter

4th Grade Weekly Newsletter

September 24 - September 28


We will be working on a presentation based on “Junkyard or Playground Paradise?”   Students will be given a rubric ahead of time to help them with their expectations. On Thursday and Friday, we will begin reading the novel “A Long Walk to Water”.  


**Students will be taking a vocabulary quiz (minor grade) on the words from that test on Wednesday.  I will upload these words to DoJo. Students will be able to use their vocabulary notes sheet.

**Junkyard Playground Project (Major Grade)

**Reading Passage homework due Friday.


We will be reviewing prime and composite numbers. We are also learning about factors and multiples; and multiplicative comparisons. Starting Monday, we will have a math packet sent home covering these concepts.  All key vocabulary words for these standards are included in the Packets. They are bolded and includes the definition.

**We will have an assessment on Prime and Composite Numbers; Factors and Multiples; and Multiplicative Comparisons on Friday.  

(Major Grade)

**There will be a vocab quiz on Key Vocabulary words for this standard**

(Minor Grade)

Science/Social Studies

In Social Studies this week we will continue learning and discussing how the immigration of different ethnic and religious groups affect the economic, political, and cultural development of NC communities.

  • Pre-revolutionary war, 13 original colonies, Tea parties and acts, Penelope Barker

Vocabulary: immigrant, ethnic group, religion, economics, politics, tradition, and culture.

Important Dates:

*October 8: Fall Photos

*October 9: Bojangles Night

Wish List:

*Walmart/Amazon Gift Cards

*Extra bags/Trapper Keepers

*Extra headphones