Mary-Cameron Welborn » Classroom Information

Classroom Information

August 22, 2019

Welcome to Fourth Grade!  

We hope you are ready to start back to school after having an enjoyable summer.  We are very excited about this year. As always, with starting a new school year, there may be some guidelines that are unfamiliar to you.  Below you will find a list of information that is important to not only our classroom but also to Tyro Elementary. We ask that you please take time to read the information carefully to familiarize yourself with the procedures and routines of our class/school.


We need to know of any allergies your child may have, including food allergies.  We try to periodically incorporate food with various lessons; therefore, it is most important that we know of any allergies, which may affect your child’s well-being and safety.

Behavior Plan

Our class will be using the Dojo points format for behavior.  See Dojo points letter for further information. 

Book Orders

Students may order books through the Scholastic Book Club.  Bonus points are received for each book that is ordered. These points can be used to buy books for our classroom.  Please make checks payable to “Scholastic Book Club”. Any purchase, whether it is for your child or for our classroom, will be greatly appreciated.  


We will utilize many different tools to communicate with parents this year: DOJO, email, parent conferences, and telephone calls. 


Our enrichment classes will be Friday from 12:05 - 2:30.  Please be sure that your child wears tennis shoes on Fridays. 


School fees are $7.00 and are due as soon as possible.  


Students grades can be found in PowerSchool.  Weekly work with your child’s work/grades will come home on Wednesdays.  The grading scale is as follows:

90-100 = A

80 - 89 = B

70 - 79 = C

60 - 69 = D

<59  = F


We feel that homework is an excellent way for children to learn responsibility and good study habits.  It also increases and reinforces the skills that your child is learning in the classroom. Students will have homework each night with the exception of weekends and holidays.  Typically, this homework will be a reading assignment due on Friday of each week. For math, your child will have a homework practice sheet nightly.  


We are scheduled to eat lunch at 11:10--11:50 each day.   You are welcome to come and eat lunch with your child at any time.  You will need to sign in at the front office and wait for our class to come by and pick you up.  Please be aware that we have behavior expectations of our students while in the cafeteria.  This establishes a safe environment in which the nutritional needs of the students are met in a positive manner.   Visitors may sit at the side tables in the cafeteria located by the windows.  Only the children of the visitor may join their parents at the side tables.  Commercial food (ex:  McDonald’s, Subway, Dominos, etc.) is not allowed in our cafeteria.  Student lunches are $2.75 and breakfast is $1.50. Adults are charged a la carte prices. 


If your child is to take medication for any reason (ex: Tylenol, cream for bug bites, cough drops, Chapstick etc.), and/or prescription medication, a form must be completed and sent in with your child along with the medication.  I CANNOT give medication without a completed medication form.  All medications should be dropped off at school by the parent.  Children should not transport medications on the bus. We have put a blank medication form in your child’s information folder.


We will create a weekly class newsletter that will be available on Mondays.  The newsletter will include important information and dates, as well as what we will be learning about in class that week.   You will be able to find the newsletter on our classroom webpages and posted in Class Dojo. 


Please send notes/money in your child’s Take-Home folder.  The students will check these each morning and give any notes/money to me.  If your child has been sick or is going to be picked up for an appointment, we must have a note.  Any time a child is absent from school, whether you call to let us know or not, we must have a note within three days after the absence with the following information on it: child’s first and last name, teacher’s name, date of the absence, reason for absence, your signature, and the date the note is sent in.  Any absence without a written excuse will be considered unexcused.

If there is a change in how, when, or by whom your child is to leave school, I must have a written permission.  If we do not receive a note, we must send your child home according to their information sheet and normal way of transportation.  Please make every effort to inform your child of his or her afternoon transportation in the morning before school.

**We must have sick/transportation notes on a separate piece of paper so that they can be turned in to the office.

 It is your child’s responsibility to turn in any attendance notes/transportation notes/fees, etc. on their own.  With our busy morning and urgency to start our learning, we will not be checking students individual folders. 


Our school policy states that we are allowed two parties per year: one at Christmas and one at the end of the year.  Birthday parties are not permitted during instructional time. If birthday party invitations are sent to school, there must be one for each child in the class or they will not be distributed.  

Personal Information

Should your telephone number or address change, please inform us of the new information so we can update our personal student records.  It is imperative that we have correct contact information on file in the event we need to contact you for any reason.


We will have recess each day with the exception of Fridays.  Students will receive their physical activity on Fridays with the PE Teacher.  Your child needs to have tennis shoes on during recess and P.E. He/she may keep a pair in their book bag to change into before recess. 


Each child will be allowed to bring in his/her own snack and water bottle each day.  Students will not be allowed to have candy or soft drinks during snack time.  


Please make sure that your child arrives to school on time.  The doors open at 7:30 and the bell to go to class rings a 7:55.  Students need to be in their seats and ready to learn when the tardy bell rings at 8:00.  We will start our school day then and it is very important that your child has had time to put away their belongings and not be rushed.

Wish List

Periodically we will include a wish list of items on our Weekly Newsletter that we would love to have in our classroom.  If you would like to donate any of the items or give a monetary donation to go toward the items, please let me know. We are striving to have a classroom that is full of educational resources and is warm and inviting for all who walk through the door.

Again, we want you to know how blessed we feel to be teaching your child in Fourth Grade this year.   We are very blessed to have Mrs. Kristi Parks as our assistant. We are looking forward to a wonderful year!!


Mrs. Weavil, Mrs. Welborn, and Mrs. Craig


Please complete and return to your child’s homeroom teacher:

I have received and read the parent letter from the Fourth Grade Teachers.  I understand the procedures explained in this letter and I have discussed them with my child.

Child’s Name ________________________________________

Parents’ Name ________________________________________

Signature _____________________________  Date __________